Be On® the Move
Be On the Move is all about seeing the big picture of growth and well-being. Instead of focusing on problems in tiny pieces, we look at how everything connects and works together. Each episode brings fresh insights into how we can make real progress by looking at challenges as a whole. If you're curious about a new way to think about growth, tune in and get inspired.
Be On® the Move
Episode 001: Purpose-Driven Growth, Why Its a Game Changer
In the inaugural episode of Be On the Move, host Andrew Ronchetto delves into the essence of living and working with purpose. Andrew emphasizes the importance of understanding one's 'why' and explores the concept of purpose-driven growth. He highlights the transformative power of reflecting on one's deeper motivations and introduces the eight dimensions of holistic wellness, which include physical, emotional, spiritual, professional, intellectual, social, financial, and environmental aspects. Additionally, Andrew discusses the ripple effect of personal growth on one's community and organizations.
Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their why and take actionable steps towards aligning their actions with their values for a more fulfilling life. This foundational episode sets the stage for future conversations and guest insights on achieving balanced and intentional growth.
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Hello, and welcome to the very first episode of beyond the move. I'm your host, Andrew Ronquetto, and I am so thrilled to have you here with me today. You know, this podcast, isn't just about tips and strategies. It's really about transformation and together we're going to dive into what it means to live and to work and to grow with purpose. And that really starts with one of the most powerful questions out there. What is your why? So let me ask you this. When was the last time you truly thought about your why? Not just the surface level stuff, not what you're doing or how you're doing it, but The deeper reasoning behind it all, what gets you out of bed in the morning, what fuels the choices you're making. And for many of us, life moves so fast that we don't stop to reflect. But here's the thing, when we do, everything changes. When we start that reflections, our decisions become clearer, our motivations grow stronger, and even the toughest challenges in front of us. Maybe take on a new meaning and completely transform the way we look at life and how we grow ourselves. So a while ago, I met someone, a friend of mine now who completely refrains the conversation starter of Well, what do you do for a living? I mean, you know, that age old United States, I hate to say it thing of how we introduce ourselves to other people. And instead of doing that, what he would say is he would be like, what are you passionate about? And it was such a simple shift, but it opened this door to a deeper conversation that. Not only went beyond job titles and tasks, but really went to the truth, the heart, honestly, of what mattered to me or to others. And so it was interesting because I'd get into these gatherings that he would have and he would bring together strangers and within minutes, they were talking about everything that just lit them up, how they're helping others, creating, exploring, gardening. Building communities, you name it, their jobs though, barely came up in the entire conversation and they were connected because of what they were passionate about, not just what they did in their work. And that really became an outstanding representation of what it meant to understand your why. So at the heart of this episode and what we're going to focus on today is this idea of exploring what purpose driven growth is. Why it's a game changer and how you can harness it to transform your life and your work. And along that, we're going to do a little bit of groundwork. I hate to say it. It'll help us though in the long run with this conversation, but we're going to touch on some of the foundational elements of what supports growth, including the eight dimensions of holistic wellness. And we're also going to talk about growth and the concept of the ripple effect and how, what we do and what we experience and how we come forth in life. Impacts people and the communities around us. So by the end of this episode, I hope you're walking away with not just a clear understanding of what purpose driven growth is or what it looks like, but also some actionable steps of what you can do to take a step forward today with more clarity and intention. So let's dive right in here and let's kick it off by talking about what is purpose driven growth. I mean, there's buzzword out there and I'm going to tell you. So, it doesn't mean it's just about like changing your life. This is very simple for me. It's about how you show up in the lives of others, but most importantly for yourself. That is about as simple of a way that I can describe it. It's how you show up for others as well as yourself in life. And that's where the ripple begins. It begins with you and your presence in life. And it is fascinating. So to dive a little bit deeper into purpose driven growth, I'm going to start off with this question. Have you ever felt that you were putting all this effort into something, the grinding, the hustling, maybe it was something at work and it was just going nowhere. It could have been a relationship. It could have been a personal goal. But the point is, is you're busy, you were checking boxes, you were hitting outcomes, but it just felt like something was off. And that feeling takes me back to an example of my analogy to this, which really is running. You know, I love to run. I still wish I ran more today, but we'll get into that I'm sure in a later episode. But there's something for me about just being outside and finding a rhythm and just moving. And the thing was, is when I was training for long races, there were these moments that I had to go on the treadmill. And this isn't to knock anybody that loves a treadmill, but I dreaded it. It didn't matter how many miles I needed to log or had logged. I just felt like I was going nowhere, not making any progress. I was looking at the same wall. I was listening to the hum of the belt. And it was just draining. And without a sense of purpose, even a 20 minute, no, honestly, three minutes on the treadmill felt like forever. And if you could imagine for a second, just stepping off the treadmill. hitting the open road, there's fresh air, there's a change of scenery, there's clear destination where I'm going, I can see it, whether it's up a, you know, massive hill or mountain, the point being is every step of that felt intentional. And in that point, you're not just moving, you're moving towards. Something that matters to you. And this is the whole essence of what purpose driven growth feels like. It's this point where I don't just feel like I'm in this endless cycle. It's about how I'm not just working harder and it's hitting goals. It's about how I'm aligning my actions to something bigger. And it's about making sure that we're working towards things that. We really value. So when you grow with purpose, let's come back to purpose driven growth. There's four things that really come out of this for you. One, every step feels more intentional. It feels meaningful. And because it feels meaningful. Number two, the energy you get from taking that action, that step is something that actually fuels you more. It fuels your intentions. It gives you more energy. So, It's not only just meaningful, it gives you the energy to keep going. But ironically, because of it, it also helps you make clear decisions. It helps you understand what truly matters to you. So you say yes faster, but you also say no quicker as well. And finally it feels like you are more authentic to yourself and to others and how you want to represent yourself to the world. So if I go back to my treadmill moment there for a moment, or you go to that treadmill moment in your life, Think about what it would feel like if you just stepped off it, you stopped running in circles, and you started moving with intention. And just hold on to that for a moment, uh, as we keep going through this conversation, because I think that'll help you start to understand what I mean when I started this to, by saying purpose driven growth is how we show up. It's how we show up to ourselves, how we show up to others in life. It's that simple, but it's because of that simplicity that I think it really truly helps us understand. What it is and really to understand what it is and how to get towards it as we understand our why in life, we really need to start building a foundation because you can't sustain purpose driven growth if you don't have a foundation. And it's not just about mindset, it's. Honestly to us about balance, you know, the thing is, is when you're out of balance in life, it can really impact not just what's happening, whether you are growing or whether you are in a good spot in life, it just really has these, uh, impacts to your belief and. And to others, we'll talk about the ripple effect here in a second. But the point being is that with a lack of balance, it's really hard to get after purpose driven growth because you're not showing up the way you really intend to for yourself and others. So building a strong foundation is about impacting every part of your life. And this for us is where the eight dimensions of holistic wellness come in because they're a great representation. Of all the areas in your life that contribute to overall wellbeing and engagement and really outcomes at the end of the day. Um, so they're not just about, you know, focusing on areas that are out of balance. This whole conversation is about the effects of each other on one another. And that's what excites me about the conversation on this podcast. It's like if you were to look at a table for a moment and you just kicked out one of the legs on it, I mean, what's going to happen at the very least is going to be wobbly. But worst of all, it could almost become unstable and false. So thinking about holistic wellness in the context of purpose driven growth really can apply in the same way here. And here's why. The eight dimensions focus on all areas of life. So the three we always hear about, like the physical, the emotional, the spiritual, we see it materialize in lots of different ways in our life through the apps we engage with through the experiences we have, but there's five others we don't talk about and I'll, I'll drive into these a little bit more, but I just want to hit them on. Straight away, just in case you've never heard of them. It's the professional or your career, a large part of our life. I talk about that a lot with folks. Uh, it is about the intellectual, how we grow, how we learn. It's about the social, it's about the environmental, and it's also about the, the financial. So if you take those three, we're always talking about, you know, physical wellness is all about how you're taking care of yourself, your body, you're fueling it, you're moving it, you're letting it rest and. This can come down to some of the most simple things in life. Like, do you get enough sleep? Do you eat well? And I'm not, I'm going to put well into brackets here because there's lots of ways to look at it. We're not all the same, but do you eat well? Do you drink enough water? I mean, there are some things there that matter. Do you move? Do you exercise? A lot of things are baked into physical wellness. And that really leads into emotional wellness, where also there's a lot of things in there. You know, how are you feeling? How are you handling stress? Is it in a healthy way? I can tell you, for me, I was way out of whack on the stress side of it because of work. And that really started to show itself over time. It's something You know, we all have to deal with, so emotional wellness is just as important as physical. Uh, another one, intellectual, you know, are you learning? Are you growing? Are you staying curious about life? Uh, the social side of wellness. The number four here, are you building strong connections, meaningful connections with others, maybe a partner, a significant other, your family, your friends, work colleagues, social wellness is important. Number five, financial. So we're getting around the curve here. You know, are your financial decisions aligned with your values? Are you in a good spot financially? Like, are you in, you know, living within your means? Financial wellness is important. spiritual. Do you feel like you're connected to something bigger than yourself? And I mean, this in the broadest sense can be nature. It can be your community or even just your sense of purpose in a broader sense. So spiritual can mean a lot of things for folks. environmental, you know, does your physical environment where you live, maybe an apartment or a house, support your well being, the way you feel when you wake up in the morning, is it there, is it in zen, professional. Uh, and you know, does your work excite you? Does it align with your strengths and values? The point being here is these eight items, the physical, the mental, the, or the emotional, as I said, the spiritual, the professional, the career, the. Financial, the environmental, the intellectual, and the social are so fundamentally important to having harmony. And they're the basis of this foundation that supports your growth. So when one of those is off, and I'm going to use my example here in a moment, it can feel like a warning light Like, you know, when you see the warning light on your car and the check engine light comes on and it's like, boop, boop, and it's orange, like, Oh, I gotta go get into the mechanic here, but thing is the car is still running. And, and that's kind of true about holistic wellness in some way, shapes and forms, you could be out of sync with one of the dimensions, but it's not like you're, you know, hopefully you're not just going to pass out, uh, over, you know, today and, uh, and, and leave this world. So without us going to go into that extreme there, the whole intention of this is to say when you're. Out of harmony or out of balance in one of these dimensions, it's like a signal to tell you to pause, to reflect and recalibrate. And that's partly because when you are out of sync with that, you might be driving a hundred percent towards your overall purpose, overall intentions in life, your why. But when that balance is missing, Um, you'll start to realize, maybe not immediately, but shortly after that, there's a problem. And this is where I like to say, it's important to make sure that when that light is flashing on the dashboard, that you take a moment, reflect and decide where you need to shift your focus. So if you take that into what we've been talking about thus far about purpose driven growth and where you feel you are grabbing onto that one moment, uh, that you've been trying to reflect on as we've been talking here, if you start to tie in all these dimensions of holistic wellness in your life, you know, part of this here is about just having awareness of what it would mean to take the first step for you to create balance. And that might be difficult, but that is one of the most essential things that you can do to help with your own personal growth. So I've been throwing out a lot here and I just want to take a pause because I want to make sure we don't miss out on highlighting something that is so critical along this entire conversation. We're laying the groundwork here on a lot of things like what it to us is purpose driven growth, And then we're talking about all these dimensions of holistic wellness and we could go deep on every single one of them. The point of bringing this out here is because part of it is talking about the macro, planning, thinking through it, getting a vision together of what is important to you. And we can only do that when we start to understand, well, what are all these different dimensions that we should be thinking about? But that being said, I also don't want to freak you out. Like, freaking you out would be a bad thing here. It'd be like, oh, well, not touching most of these things. Might as well just, you know, disconnect and, and move on with life. And what I really want to tell you is, is no. You not focusing on every single one of these dimensions right now is okay. In fact, not focusing on every single dimension, every moment of your life is okay, because, and this is the big one, it's important for you to also just relax. Growth. Experience, all these things come with time and so if you're, if you're trying to focus on all of them all at one time, it's almost like you're just pulling yourself in every direction. You can't do everything all at once. So I just want to, I just, that's why I want to pause here for a moment and say it's okay if you haven't been thinking about all of these dimensions. It's okay if your why is evolving. It should. Just different points in life change all of that. It's okay if you're going in an extreme in one direction, so long as, and maybe this podcast, this episode triggers up for you to say, wait a second, maybe I should stop for a moment and reflect. Doesn't mean you, you know, you totally stop. You know, blazing in that direction. It just means that you start to be more conscious about the things happening in your life. And that is probably the biggest thing you can take away from these first two, uh, items we're talking about. The fact that we're starting to bring subconscious things to the conscious. Why we're doing what we're doing, how we're showing up in life, the things that help us create balance in life. And that is what is important here. So I don't want you to forget that. I don't want you to freak out to say, Oh my gosh, there's too much here to focus on. What I want you to do is just stop for a moment, recognize where you're at, recognize how you've gotten to where you are today, whether you're happy with it, whether you want to continue to evolve and then take it from there because talking about this personally for a moment. I was out of balance and I didn't appreciate all the different dimensions of holistic wellness. And heck, I had friends and family telling me, you got to slow down. You need to, to back it off a little. And I was like, okay, whatever. And, and it wasn't trying to be disrespectful to them. It was really being. Uh, disrespectful to myself and appreciating what I was missing that they were seeing that I was so like, I tell people, I talk about the sunburst chart and I'm just way out in one extreme here about work and profession and whatnot. And I wasn't taking care of my relationships. I wasn't focused on my health when I, you know, come to amount of sleep or eating. Well, and so all of these things are interconnected and I just, I was shrinking everything else towards the center and I was jutting outwards in my, my career. And I thought I was doing the right thing for myself and for others around me, but the reality wasn't the case and it ended up impacting me longterm. You know, I. I can't run as much, or I haven't been able to start running yet the way I want to. Um, you know, but I've been able to, because of it, start to reflect and find more time and space for my family, which is amazing. And I'm happy about that. I've been able to make sure I get more sleep, which is amazing. I'm happy about that. And all of these things, because I started to reflect, started to realize that while there is a massive priority list of things I want to accomplish in my life. I'm also good with what I'm doing right now. And while I do want to continue to bring things in, and maybe things get checked off, or, you know, adjust my priorities, my practices. The point being is, is I'm consciously looking at it. So I, I just, I share that personal story for you because we're talking about purpose driven growth. We're talking about all these dimensions of holistic wellness, and trying to tie it in for you to a personal moment I think is critical to helping you understand and appreciate what it means to recognize, take that breath, take that reflection, and then maybe do something different about it. So when all these dimensions of holistic wellness are in harmony, you're able to bring out the best in yourself to everything you do. And, and that really brings me to the next thing, which is about how your growth creates these ripple effects and this impact beyond yourself, extending to others, the organizations you're a part of. So this is a key thing for me, and I want to start this, uh, this next and final segment about these concentric circles of growth from the perspective of talking about. Things foundationally and that begins with your beliefs. We've talked about how holistic wellness builds that foundation. Well, your beliefs are also a part of that foundation and whether they're positive or negative, they have an incredible impact on your outcomes. So when you believe in your purpose and your ability to grow and the possibility of change, those beliefs reinforce your actions, your energy, and, and ultimately your results. And. On one hand, negative beliefs can also impact your results, those doubts, those fears, those insecurities, and they can hold you back or create barriers that sometimes are invisible, but very much real. So here's the thing. And this is where it gets powerful for yourself and for others. Your beliefs don't just shape your own life. They have this ripple outwards, and whether it's through a smile or a conversation, the energy you bring into the room as you join it, your presence creates this ripple in the world. You matter. Your growth matters, therefore. So I would just want to make sure something is really clear. You don't just have to approach growth for the sake of others, though. This is about you and it's about being in it for yourself. So even though I've been just mentioning for the last few seconds about this whole ripple effect. That's the beauty of it, but the point is, is when you grow, you align with your purpose, those ripples grow naturally, uh, and extend outwards. They amplify your beliefs, they magnify your impact, they touch others in ways that you never fully see. And it's amazing that the real opportunity in all of this is being intentional about it with yourself as a way of growing and having your own impact in your life. And subsequently, because of that, the impact and growth on other people's lives. So starting with you. And because everything starts with you, it's about your growth. It's about how you connect deeply with your purpose. Like we've been talking about this entire time and how you commit to aligning your actions to your values, because that's where you get energy and that's where you feel authentic. So it's all comes back to yourself and that foundation that impacts every part of your life. If you were to show up differently, uh, than the way you're showing up today, how would that make you feel more energized or intentional or aligned to your why? The second circle here is about the amplification. So this is where practitioners come in, you know, the coaches, the mentors, the advisors, the guides. These are the people that are helping you see yourself more clearly. They're challenging you to grow and they're also giving you the tools to move forward. So, if you were to think about a time when someone believed in you, before you maybe even believed in yourself, that mentor, that coach, that advisor who encouraged you to take a leap or helps you uncover those strengths that you didn't really know you had. These individuals, these practitioners are amplifying your growth and they're making your. Your ripple bigger as we've been talking about there helping you stretch it beyond just your current limits. And this is where it gets fascinating because it's not just a one way relationship when you bring your best, uh, your most purposeful self to the conversation, to the table. They're growing as well. And it's kind of this cycle of mutual inspiration, which is fascinating. So the third circle here is just about organizations, your companies, your enterprises that you're a part of. It can be your workplace. It can also be a community group, your family. All of these have the ability to magnify. Individual and practitioner growth on a larger scale. So if you were in your workplace, for example, and they invest in holistic wellness, not just as a perk, but something that is core to the value of the organization, the way they show up in the work that they do, the way they integrate and collaborate with one another's part of that begins with leaders who model purpose driven growth and inspire their teams to do the same. Stepping into deeper employees in this situation do tend to thrive. Teams tend to collaborate more effectively and the organization as a whole becomes really more aligned and engaged to their own strategy and mission. And. This is where that magnification and the ripple effect really takes hold. The employees can take that growth that they're experiencing and bring it home to their families. He can share that energy with their friends or bring it into their communities at large. And that is where the power of the organization aligned with your purpose aligned with the amplification of practitioners. In your life, really create ripples that extend far beyond your own walls or constraints. Now, I'll be honest here, because I, like I said, growth is about the individual side of it, but we have to recognize the impact you bring to the world is the fact that these circles, because they're concentric, the magic is where they overlap, and it's in these intersections where, I've been talking about the amplification of impact and the magnification of growth. So if you were to take the interrelationship between individuals and practitioners, What happens here is it's like personal breakthroughs challenge our coaches and our mentors to refine their approach like the way they're guiding people is really renewed or steered differently based on that experience so they're growing themselves. If you look at the interrelationship between the practitioner and the organization. The way a practitioner may engage with a leader and the way that leader grows or transforms to support the team or the department or the entire culture of the organization has a fundamental impact. And just like with the individual, the practitioner takes that back in to support others that are trying to go through or leverage their services. And this is where then we can talk about the interrelationship between the organization and the individual. Because When an employee is felt, or seen in the organization, supported in the organization, even empowered in the organization, to bring their best self to work, or to even just life, that's where purpose driven growth creates the biggest ripple. Because now the individual doesn't just have clarity that fuels their own impact, but also that energy from themselves. So, uh, you can see here through these interconnectedness that when you focus on your own growth or you're guiding others or you're shaping the culture of an organization, this interconnected system really has a ripple effect on it. And the choices we make, uh, you know, ripple outward in ways that we may never fully see, but it matters. I'm going to leave you with this because we've talked about quite a bit today. We've talked about what purpose driven growth means. We've talked about the eight dimensions of holistic wellness. We've talked about these three concentric circles of growth and how it's not done in isolation, that it's a shared experience. I mean, so there's just been so much we've been here to cover, but part of this is laying the groundwork for the conversations and the guests that we're going to have on this podcast. You know, the fact that some of them are going to be able to help us dive deep into one of these dimensions or another, whether it's at work or whether it's about physical fitness and bring their experiences in Like we started today talking about our why and why we had this first episode the way it is, I want you to recognize it's because it's not just about the idea, it's about helping lay the foundation, the foundation we've been talking about with you so that it can align with your actions and your decisions and the energy you want to bring forward and not just help you transform your life, but ultimately, whether you like it or not, the lives of those around you. I'll leave you with this, and we're going to close it out for today. All I ask is you take one small step, and that step is going to be, this is the action for you. It's just to reflect on your why, and let it guide you to the next move you make. That can be in understanding your practices, what they are, how it looks in your life, what it means to prioritize them. But the, the whole point of this and, and taking a moment, taking a step to reflect on your why is to remember that when you live with your purpose and you understand what it is, you're not just growing for yourself, you're thriving. And that's what matters. You're thriving in your life. So I want to thank you for joining me. I want to, you know, encourage you to join us for the next episode of beyond the move. Like I said, we've got some amazing guests coming up here. This next episode is going to keep taking us further down this path, but until then stay strong, be a part of it, focus on your purpose and we'll catch you next time. Thank you.